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Upton Program & Forum

The Miller Upton Program seeks to deepen our students’ understanding of the wealth and well-being of nations through intimate interactions with preeminent thinkers.

Fall 2024 Schedule is now available.

How does the market system promote increased wealth and well-being?
How can I make a difference and help reduce global poverty, promote human development, and solve energy issues?

To learn more about the Miller Upton Programs, please enjoy:

Intro video (2 minutes)

Full video (15 minutes)

Inquire with the Miller Upton Scholar in an intimate classroom setting

The Miller Upton Scholar is a public intellectual whose distinguished work and influential ideas become the driving force of the annual forum. With many leading scholars also at the forum, the conversation is enriched even further.

Experience a powerful fusion of theory and practice

Students grasp the theories in the classroom, apply them in their senior theses, and connect with prominent scholars in the field to put their liberal arts into practice.


Hear the real deal from students themselves

The forum has given students lots of experiences to divulge and many tales to tell. Learn more about them.


Can’t make it? We’ve got you covered.

We record each year’s Forum in an edited volume,
The Annual Proceedings of the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations.


Beryl Sybil “Kikie” Odonkor’20

Grasping every chance to foster professional growth

Having found out career interest in Accounting through an Accounting course with Professor Diep Phan , Beryl Sybil “Kikie” Odonkor ’20 landed up securing an internship through the same class. She is now chasing her passion as a Delivery Assurance Analyst at McKinsey & Company.

Shivangi Ambardar’21

Shivangi Ambardar ’21

Since freshman year, I had attended all Miller Upton Forum Keynotes on campus and looked forward to the day when I would be in a room with a Nobel Laureate.


Georgia Armitage ’19

The Beloit Economics Department offers an opportunity not only to study a noted scholar but to question them and ask their advice about everything from grad school to senior theses.


Upcoming Events


Upton Panel on “Social Capital and the Wealth and Well-Being of Nations”

More information coming soon.


Upton Forum The Ideas and Influence of 2025 Upton Scholar

More information coming soon. This is a lunch followed by a panel.


Upton Forum: June and Edgar Martin Memorial Lecture

More information coming soon.


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